Gyokko Ryu
Gyakuryu: Reverse Flow
The attacker comes in with a right punch; take a step to the left, and receive the right punch. The attacker kicks with the right leg; defend by kicking under the attacker's kick, and take the attacker's right arm into omote gyaku with the left hand. The attacker comes in with a left punch to the suigetsu; receive the punch with the right arm, and quickly strike the attacker's left side of the neck with a right shuto. The strike done properly should send the attacker falling; before the attacker hits the ground, apply omote gyaku to excelerate the fall. Kick the attacker with the left foot, and maintain situational awareness.
Things you will learn:
- Omote gyaku
- Jodan uke, chudan uke, keri kaeshi
- Omote shuto, zenpo keri, tsuki